Thursday, August 23, 2012


So... my husband and I rarely eat dinner.  We generally only sit down to eat once during the week (our rest day) and on the weekends.  Now, I know what you're thinking... what do those amazing little girls eat?  This is where my amazing husband comes in:  I get home from work everyday by about 6 to find my man making a healthy mix of food for the girls.  After the gym, we both chug a protein shake and call it a day.

Well, today being our rest day, we all sat down to eat.  Tonight, my husband made a great pork stir fry.  Segue into the title of the blog... this amazing stir fry (shown above) was a great Paleo or WLC start.  The problem was the sauce....

So, in this spirit of transitions, we are now in need of modifying our style of cooking (3 weeks left).  My goal for the week is to find some great recipes for stir-fry like sauces that could make the above dish be true Paleo.  Wish me luck.

Note:  The goal of this blog is to capture tasty recipes and ideas (among other things)... No pressure, but feel free to add some inspiring ideas! 

My baby's got sauce...

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