Sunday, September 23, 2012


My girlfriend Erin is trying to convert me to soccer.  Honestly, I've never been a big fan.  I don't understand pointlessly running around on a field earning academy awards for falling and crying foul.  Slowly and surely, I'm giving in.

I accompanied her to a LA Galaxy game last night and I even volunteered to be the DD.  Sticking to the WLC Weekly Challenge #2, I participated in some "mindfulness" yesterday.  To be honest, I had a freaking break down.  No sugar, carbs, booze, or cigarettes (yes, I was a dirty dirty smoker) brought me  to a breaking point yesterday.  I had a serious melt down... Let's just say I gave my 2 1/2 year old a run for her money.  After taking a much-needed nap and putting on my big-girl panties, I got ready to go to the game.

As we were traveling along the 91, I told Erin that I thought I was going to have a beer.  Standing in the concession line, I thought back to the past week... If I can go 7 days without a beer, why not one more.  If I could go 7 days without sugar or carbs, what's one more day?  I went with a healthy kids meal (carrots, an apple and water) and thoroughly enjoyed myself.  For the first time in my adult "legal drinking" life, I did not have a beer at a sporting event.

So... "toot-toot."  I'm tooting my own horn for not having a beer.  Not grabbing a bite of the delicious smelling Cinabon next to me.  Not letting my melt down give me an excuse to go buy some smokes.  Not giving in to temptation.

I stayed strong.  Go me!!!

(I'm done now:)

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