Thursday, September 27, 2012
To drink or not to drink...
The hubby and I are doing a charity Harley ride down in San Diego this Saturday. We are planning on staying the night in the Gas Lamp District and possibly catching the Padres/Giants game. Since the challenge started, I have told myself that I'm going to lose my 3 nutrition points for alcohol (still going to stay strong with my food choices) this weekend. I'm two days away from finally getting to drink, and I'm second-guessing myself. I like the way I feel without booze. I enjoy recording my score every morning and seeing that I'm at the top and still haven't lost a point. Do I really want to screw this up?? Or should I just shut up and have a beer or two at the game?
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
So, as you may have noticed, Christie has been carrying us on this blog! I'd like to apologize to the masses (all five of you) who read our blog and make large promises to get with it shortly!
In my defense... I've been heavily consumed with buying a new house (yay us!) - now that we're in escrow, I'm ready to commit to some fabulous posts next week!
More to come... in the meantime, my HumpDay funny:
In my defense... I've been heavily consumed with buying a new house (yay us!) - now that we're in escrow, I'm ready to commit to some fabulous posts next week!
More to come... in the meantime, my HumpDay funny:

Monday, September 24, 2012
Kale Meatballs
1 lb of grass fed ground beef
1/2 red onion (finely minced)
1 bunch of kale (washed, de-veined, and finely chopped)
1/4 tsp of nutmeg
salt and pepper to taste
coconut oil
Combine all ingredients in a bowl and mix by hand into golf-ball size...balls. Brown each side in coconut oil and place into a glass baking dish. Bake at 375 for 20 minutes.
Serving suggestions:
-with roasted veggies
-spaghetti squash
-egg scramble
Sunday, September 23, 2012
My girlfriend Erin is trying to convert me to soccer. Honestly, I've never been a big fan. I don't understand pointlessly running around on a field earning academy awards for falling and crying foul. Slowly and surely, I'm giving in.
I accompanied her to a LA Galaxy game last night and I even volunteered to be the DD. Sticking to the WLC Weekly Challenge #2, I participated in some "mindfulness" yesterday. To be honest, I had a freaking break down. No sugar, carbs, booze, or cigarettes (yes, I was a dirty dirty smoker) brought me to a breaking point yesterday. I had a serious melt down... Let's just say I gave my 2 1/2 year old a run for her money. After taking a much-needed nap and putting on my big-girl panties, I got ready to go to the game.
As we were traveling along the 91, I told Erin that I thought I was going to have a beer. Standing in the concession line, I thought back to the past week... If I can go 7 days without a beer, why not one more. If I could go 7 days without sugar or carbs, what's one more day? I went with a healthy kids meal (carrots, an apple and water) and thoroughly enjoyed myself. For the first time in my adult "legal drinking" life, I did not have a beer at a sporting event.
So... "toot-toot." I'm tooting my own horn for not having a beer. Not grabbing a bite of the delicious smelling Cinabon next to me. Not letting my melt down give me an excuse to go buy some smokes. Not giving in to temptation.
I stayed strong. Go me!!!
(I'm done now:)
Friday, September 21, 2012
Spicy Coconut Shrimp
1 lb of peeled/deveined shrimp
1 c finely shredded coconut
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp chili powder
2 tsp onion powder
1 tsp oregano
3 egg whites
coconut oil
In two separate bowls mix your dry ingredients together and whisk your egg whites.
Heat up coconut oil (keep adding more as needed) in a small skillet. Dredge shrimp in egg whites (shake off excess), cover with dry coconut mixture, and place in pan. Cook 3 minutes on each side until they form a nice "C" shape.
Place cooked shrimp on a layer of paper towels when done, blot off excess grease and squeeze lime juice to finish
After a trip to the Farmer's Market on Wednesday, I had a plethora ("Jefe - would you say I had a plethora of pinatas?" Sorry. That was really funny in my head) of fresh veggies. I cubed and peeled some sweet potatoes, purple carrots, and asparagus, tossed with olive oil, basil and pepper, and tossed them on a cookie sheet for 15 minutes at 475. Can you say easy and delicious??!!!
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Mathematical Genius
Is it just me? It seems like every time I have to set up my weights to do a dead lift, bench press, or some other torturous activity, I get a mental block. I stand there contemplating the weight of the bar (45 lbs), how much is 55% of my one-rep max... how many green or yellow plates do I need? I feel like a giant idiot every time.
So I've come up with a solution. I literally laminated a small business card that I tuck into my sports bra which lists percentages, how much weight, and their corresponding colors.
Now, instead of looking like a mathematical genius every day, I look like a pervert digging into my bra!
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Sweet Potato Hash Browns
Sundays are my favorite day of the week. This past Sunday I went for my usual "Sunday Funday Runday" in Bidwell Park, and then came home to collect the family for a nice walk in the park with Jenoma on her bike. Note: Nothing is cuter than a kindergartner trying to navigate her flashy purple bike through Sunday morning joggers and hard core street bikers!
We came home and Wes (have you noticed that he is the cooker in our relationship?) made an amazing breakfast of fried eggs, a sausage and squash mixer, and a mouth watering side of sweet potato hash browns. God bless America, I freakin' love sweet potatoes...
Ingredients (this is complicated, watch out!):
-1 sweet potato
-Coconut oil or Olive oil
(yep, that's right: no additional seasoning required)
-Shred your sweet potato using a cheese grader
-Add oil to a skillet over medium heat
-Add sweet potato, stir to ensure they don't burn
-Cook until crispy and browned (about 15 minutes)
Wala! A fabulous addition to a breakfast that provides vitamin C, vitamin B6, vitamin D, iron, magnesium, potassium, and vitamin A (wait, are we eating a Flinstone vitamin?) And, not to mention, they taste like heaven in your mouth!!!
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Pico de Gallo Tilapia w/ Bell Peppers
Tilapia Filets
Pepper (to taste)
Bell Peppers (various colors)
Olive Oil
Coconut Oil
Preheat oven to 375. Grease baking pan with coconut oil and pepper both sides of the filet. Squeeze lemon juice on fish and pop in the oven for 15-20 minutes until flaky.
Prepare pico de gallo using chopped tomato, onion and cilantro (add a little bit of lime juice for extra flavor).
Sautee peppers in olive oil (healthy fats!) until soft, but still crunchy.
(The hubby even approved. I can't wait to terrorize my fellow office workers with the smell of fish tomorrow).
Monday, September 17, 2012
Club soda with a slice of lemon, lime and orange. It tastes like a watered down vodka soda and makes me a VERY happy girl.
Can you say alcoholic?
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Day One
Well, I made it through Day One with flying colors. I even went to a barbq and didn't drink! Sad that this feels like such an accomplishment - but, whatever... I like to drink!
My morning began with two eggs fried in a wee bit of coconut oil and the WLC amrap. I completed 7 rounds at the RX'd weight (35# for the ladies) and had 13 seconds left on the clock. In reality, I should have kept swingin', but my body was saying "No No". For those that don't know (as if anyone reads this blog besides Chris and I - and maybe a few stray family members), the WLC workout was as follows:
9 minute amrap:
7 Kettle Bell Swings
7 Burpees
50 M Sprint
As many round as possible
I was rather proud of myself for getting seven rounds done. I then proceeded to bust my ass in another workout, which included a fifteen minute amrap of (you guessed it) more kettle bells. Oy vey. My shoulders and neck hurt just typing this!
I then came home to an amazing breakfast from my man -
After naptimes were concluded (god bless naps) we took a family trip to Winco. For those in southern cali, you might not know what a Winco is: It is a ghetto grocery store that provides insight into the WT community. However, it has amazing "bins" that contain dried nuts, almond flour, dehydrated fruit, etc. Their produce is pretty good as well. $156 later, we had a house full of amazing food. Below are a few photos of the loot!
For lunch, we had steak salads from Chipotle (and I was THAT GUY - I asked whether or not they cooked their steak in sugar) - delicious! For dinner, we went to a friend's house and had Sirloin steak (again, no sugar - we asked), a huge green salad with homemade olive oil and lemon dressing, and a fat slice of cantaloupe.
Although I wanted a beer all day, I did great and fought the cravings by making fake cocktails: Club Soda with lemon and lime wedges (amazing - and with ice, it felt like a weak vodka soda). Christie agrees.
So, all in all... the first day was great.
Fast forward to this morning, I woke up to the smell of sauteed onions, coffee, and sausage. My husband made an amazing veggie side dish, sausage, eggs, and sweet potato hash browns. Amazing!
Following a 5K in the park, we are now getting a move on the famous Sunday Prep Day. : )
My morning began with two eggs fried in a wee bit of coconut oil and the WLC amrap. I completed 7 rounds at the RX'd weight (35# for the ladies) and had 13 seconds left on the clock. In reality, I should have kept swingin', but my body was saying "No No". For those that don't know (as if anyone reads this blog besides Chris and I - and maybe a few stray family members), the WLC workout was as follows:
9 minute amrap:
7 Kettle Bell Swings
7 Burpees
50 M Sprint
As many round as possible
I was rather proud of myself for getting seven rounds done. I then proceeded to bust my ass in another workout, which included a fifteen minute amrap of (you guessed it) more kettle bells. Oy vey. My shoulders and neck hurt just typing this!
I then came home to an amazing breakfast from my man -
After naptimes were concluded (god bless naps) we took a family trip to Winco. For those in southern cali, you might not know what a Winco is: It is a ghetto grocery store that provides insight into the WT community. However, it has amazing "bins" that contain dried nuts, almond flour, dehydrated fruit, etc. Their produce is pretty good as well. $156 later, we had a house full of amazing food. Below are a few photos of the loot!
For lunch, we had steak salads from Chipotle (and I was THAT GUY - I asked whether or not they cooked their steak in sugar) - delicious! For dinner, we went to a friend's house and had Sirloin steak (again, no sugar - we asked), a huge green salad with homemade olive oil and lemon dressing, and a fat slice of cantaloupe.
Although I wanted a beer all day, I did great and fought the cravings by making fake cocktails: Club Soda with lemon and lime wedges (amazing - and with ice, it felt like a weak vodka soda). Christie agrees.
So, all in all... the first day was great.
Fast forward to this morning, I woke up to the smell of sauteed onions, coffee, and sausage. My husband made an amazing veggie side dish, sausage, eggs, and sweet potato hash browns. Amazing!
Following a 5K in the park, we are now getting a move on the famous Sunday Prep Day. : )
9/15/12 Weekly Challenge (1 of 3)
I was "that guy" this morning. My family and I visit Arthur's Family Restaurant in Orange every single Sunday. Normally we start off with an appetizer of biscuits and gravy, followed up with a delicious fried egg sandwich. This used to be my "cheat day" every Sunday.
Since this is day 2 of the WLC, my Sunday morning breakfast ritual went a little different.
I sat (drooling) watching my kids and hubby devour the biscuits while I patiently waited for my omelette. I quizzed our server about how they cook their omelettes, how their veggies are prepared, and what kind of meat they use. When I finally got my meal, he told me that my order thoroughly confused the cooks.
Overall, my breakfast was delicious, filling, and I have a togo box for later today or tomorrow morning. And the best part: I don't feel sluggish and full!!!
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Before and After...
Our pics and measurements have been loaded under the Before and After
tab. Clever, I know.
I have to be honest to say that it bums me out that my sister is smaller than I am. Especially since I've been working out longer. Then again, it's nice to be "twins." Just numbers though right?

tab. Clever, I know.
I have to be honest to say that it bums me out that my sister is smaller than I am. Especially since I've been working out longer. Then again, it's nice to be "twins." Just numbers though right?
Friday, September 14, 2012
The Last Supper
It's our last night before we start the WLC. Kitchen and pantries are stocked up, resolutions have been made... and I'm working on my third glass of chardonnay. Classy right? I've been so good this week.. I have not put a single non-paleo thing into my mouth and have worked out (f-you 400 meter walking lunges) like a crazy person. I wasn't going to indulge like everyone else seems to be (Pazooki's for breakfast???), but the hubby convinced me that I should.
So I decided to have a few bites of the tostada my salad came in tonight, a few nibbles from my daughter's mac-n-cheese, and half a cookie. Honestly - I just feel sick. It's crazy to think that my body is rejecting the things I considered normal a month ago. And my psychological conscious is very upset with me. It's not worth it. I've been talking about the WLC for over a month and I intend to give it my all.
We are hosting a pool party/BBQ tomorrow. My first challenge! We hit up the store tonight and bought a bunch of pre-made (non-marinated) beef and chicken kabobs and the fixings for a huge spinach-mushroom salad. If our guests want carbs - bring 'em yourself!!!!
"Before pictures" will be posted tomorrow morning with our measurements. Let's see what we can do.
Twin power!!!
(Why do I feel like I'm talking to myself?:)
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Snack On...
So, in my quest to eat Paleo (modified via the Whole Life
Challenge) I’m trying to figure out some snack ideas. Currently, I munch on the following:
- Almond and Raisins (like a sad trail mix)
- Avocado slices
- Oranges (tangelos)
- Pluots (I’m seriously addicted to these tasty highbred fruits)
- Slices of turkey meat
- Bananas
- Carrot Sticks (I only want to poke myself in the eye every three bites)
As you can see, I’m in a rut.
In order to survive the 3:00 munchies (this is the time of
day where I will eat anything if its in front of me) I need to spice up the
snacks. For example, on Monday, I was a
rock star. The worst thing that went
into my mouth was a few peppermint candies (I have a serious addiction), Tuesday – the same (In
fact, I was on cloud nine that I resisted cinnamon rolls all day long);
however, today, I blew it. I ate great
all day, yet then at 3:00, following a spectacularly long board meeting, I ate
half of a cinnamon roll (yes, the bitches that haunted me all Tuesday). Damn it!
I need to find something that feels like “carbs” to satisfy
this craving. After a wonderful dance
with my good friend Google, I found the following:
- Kale Chips (I need to discover a recipe)
- Bacon and Guacamole Sandies (Thank you )
- Cinnamon spiced sweet potato chips (again, thank you )
- Paleo Almond Chicken Bites ( )
So, those are a few fun ideas to get me rolling for next
week. As Christie pointed out… prep is
everything! I like spending my Sunday afternoon
parceling out food for the week and coming up with food ideas that keep me away
from the damn cinnamon rolls! Plus, I’m
like a baby… I need to eat something every hour and a half. : )
Snack on…
Thought for the day:
"Try not to walk on the edge of what you think is okay... try to stay as far away as possible."
-Alex (my nutritional guru)
-Alex (my nutritional guru)
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
I officially now have calluses on my hands. Super sexy right? When my sister first started doing CrossFit, she told me about a shirt she saw:
"Don't let a CrossFit chick give you a hand job."
When I leave the gym on Tuesdays and Thursdays, cursing the day I ever signed up and paid for a year in full (why??!!), I am constantly in awe at the amount of chalk covering my ass and tits (screw you burpees).
I have this constant fear that my husband is going to start thinking that I sneak away for an hour, pour a glass of water over my head, and eat 5 powdered donuts.
"Don't let a CrossFit chick give you a hand job."
When I leave the gym on Tuesdays and Thursdays, cursing the day I ever signed up and paid for a year in full (why??!!), I am constantly in awe at the amount of chalk covering my ass and tits (screw you burpees).
I have this constant fear that my husband is going to start thinking that I sneak away for an hour, pour a glass of water over my head, and eat 5 powdered donuts.
Monday, September 10, 2012
Sunday Prep Day
After returning home from an amazing Nutrition Seminar at CrossFit 714 (thank you Alex!), I decided to put a little bit more effort into my food. I flipped though my Easy Paleo cookbook for inspiration and decided on a few meals.
First, I made my usual cupcake egg fritatas (why does the word "cupcake" make them sound so much more delicious?) This time I decided to add some kale and sausage to shake things up. After a few rounds of trial and error, I think I've perfected my "cupcakes." I prefer to grease my pan with coconut oil, versus adding it to my mix. I've also found that I enjoy the crunch factor by not sautéing my veggies first.
Next I made a shrimp stir-fry with frozen peeled shrimp, sliced raw almonds, and veggies (carrots, broccoli, onion, kale). I added coconut oil to my wok to cook the veggies and shrimp which worked as a great mixer and it's a healthy fat Double score.
I then decided to make some chicken fajitas. I grilled up some peppers and onions and shredded a store-bought roasted chicken. Now I know this isn't 100% pale, but the challenge hasn't started yet. Instead of tortillas, I plan to use romaine lettuce and do a wrap of sorts. All in all, I was able to fill up 5 tupperware containers full of delicious meals.
For the mini-fridge in my cube at work I am all about preparation:
A giant veggie tray divided up into 5 bags
3 chicken breasts cut up and split into 5 bags
2 fritatas per (you guessed it) 5 bags
3 cartons of blueberries, boysenberries, and raspberries divided up into 5 bags
Raw almonds, raisins and macadamia nuts (in case I get a crunch/sweet craving)
My biggest plan is going to be preparation. No excuses not to stay on track. I've even downloaded a cool app called "PaleoGoGo" that lets you input basically any restaurant and it gives you Paleo options for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
First, I made my usual cupcake egg fritatas (why does the word "cupcake" make them sound so much more delicious?) This time I decided to add some kale and sausage to shake things up. After a few rounds of trial and error, I think I've perfected my "cupcakes." I prefer to grease my pan with coconut oil, versus adding it to my mix. I've also found that I enjoy the crunch factor by not sautéing my veggies first.
Next I made a shrimp stir-fry with frozen peeled shrimp, sliced raw almonds, and veggies (carrots, broccoli, onion, kale). I added coconut oil to my wok to cook the veggies and shrimp which worked as a great mixer and it's a healthy fat Double score.
I then decided to make some chicken fajitas. I grilled up some peppers and onions and shredded a store-bought roasted chicken. Now I know this isn't 100% pale, but the challenge hasn't started yet. Instead of tortillas, I plan to use romaine lettuce and do a wrap of sorts. All in all, I was able to fill up 5 tupperware containers full of delicious meals.
For the mini-fridge in my cube at work I am all about preparation:
A giant veggie tray divided up into 5 bags
3 chicken breasts cut up and split into 5 bags
2 fritatas per (you guessed it) 5 bags
3 cartons of blueberries, boysenberries, and raspberries divided up into 5 bags
Raw almonds, raisins and macadamia nuts (in case I get a crunch/sweet craving)
My biggest plan is going to be preparation. No excuses not to stay on track. I've even downloaded a cool app called "PaleoGoGo" that lets you input basically any restaurant and it gives you Paleo options for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Sunday, September 9, 2012
In My Mouth...
So, as you know, we begin the Whole Life Challenge on
Saturday. This competition is basically
a Paleo challenge sans a few rules (read the full breakdown below). Since we started the blog, Christie and I
have both been getting warmed up on the eating plan. This warmup has included about a 75% effort
into Paleo cuisine.
Last week I was standing in my kitchen, during a
particularly self-righteous moment, and told my husband that my goal was to be
truly accountable to everything I was eating.
I went on to say that I wanted
to be conscious that everything going into my mouth would be Paleo. My loving husband looked at me and said, “Sounds
great – as long as my wiener is considered Paleo”. God bless him. Thus, the inspiration for this post. : )
Back to the present: My
grocery shopping experience was well fought yesterday. My oldest daughter and I stayed on the perimeter
of Safeway (Did this help my bill total?
No – damn raping cut throat bastards) and stocked up on vegetables,
fruit, and meat. Now mind you, I have
two children under five (those bastards seem to survive on gold fish crackers
and cheerios) so we had to hit the middle section for a few key
Side bar: For those
parents of young children – are you completely mortified when you take your car
seats out of the back of your car? It
never fails that the car seats only come out when people are standing around me
and waiting to get into the back seat.
Once the seats are removed and thrown into the back cargo area, you find
yourself glaring at a graveyard of gold fish, raisons, cheerios, and the random
stray fruit snack. OMG – its hideously
awful. Bastards.
Okay, back to shopping...
So, we left Safeway,
gouged, but happy - and began the food preparation
for the week. For dinner last night I made fabulous baked chicken, steamed
vegetables, and garlic sweet potato mash.
Fabulous – and Paleo!
For the week, I plan on making the lovely egg cupcake frittatas
for breakfasts, pork and chicken salads for lunches, and protein shakes (mostly
for dinner). On our slow nights, where
we actually cook, we’ll grill up some fish with greens and fruit. For snacks, I’ve made some raison almond trail
mix, cut veggies, and fresh fruit (berries and tangelos). Although I like interesting recipe ideas, I’m
totally content being a ground hog. I
can eat the same thing every day. Which
is why this blog is so important – we don’t want to get stuck in a rut.
I’ve decided that the hardest thing for me to give up will
be my morning dose of greek yogurt. I plan
on eating my Fage up to the very end.
Second on this list of sadness will be booze. I like to drink – damn you WLC and the “no
sugar” rule.
Well, that’s it for now kids. More soon – and keep putting good things in
your mouth.
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