Friday, October 12, 2012

Body Fat Percentage

The body fat percentage calculators online are ridiculous!  Before this challenge started I went online searching for a way to find my body fat percentage.  Honestly, I thought I was in pretty good shape.  I was convinced that my numbers would be somewhere in the 18-20% range.  My mean boss (who will remain nameless) told me that I would be in the high twenties.  In order to discourage him I had to share a photo of myself in a bikini (I know it’s not very PC or HR appropriate, but after 13 years of being “married,” we have a special relationship). 

*Sexy photo, I know.  Bathroom photo shoots provide exceptional lighting and awesome "I'm trying to find the button" facial expressions.

After the initial WLC check in, and based upon my measurements, I was so discouraged to see that my body fat was at 31%.  

According to the American Council on Exercise, I'm 1% away from being obese!!!!

 Being the “Googler” that I am, I did a search for what body fat percentages actually look like (Thank you Nerd Fitness):
There is no [insert expletive] way I’m at 31%.  Who comes up with these calculators?  Do they not take into account muscle, height, bone structure, etc.??

And you wonder why women have such issues with scales and sizes??!!!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah that's not right. I would estimate you around 18-20% at most. But what it really comes down to is how do you feel in your own body? A number is meaningless by itself and if you feel good then who cares? And if you're not happy then set some goals to move in the right direction. But just feeling bummed about a number is a waste of time and energy imo.
