Saturday, October 6, 2012

¿Cuántos k??

What a day!!!!

The hubby and I woke up this morning at 5:45, made a delicious breakfast of scrambled eggs, sweet potato, and ground pork, and headed off to the Chapman 5k.  This was my 5th race (and yes, I'm calling a 5k a race) and I was pumped.  Not only did I feel like my body was in incredible shape, I'm also at day 20 not smoking.  Needless to say, my lungs were ready for the challenge.  Our good friend Chris joined us for the run, and his amazing wife watched our spawn.  We started off strong and had a great run.  Unfortunately, my right quad felt like it literally was jumping into my stomach around the end of the 2nd mile, so I had to stop and stretch it out for a few seconds.

Regardless we all finished really well:

Chris: 26:34 (211 of 630/29th in the 25-29 age group)
Mark (the hubby): 26:55 (222 of 630/24th in the 45-49 age group)
Me: 27:42 (122 of 920/19th in 30-34 age group)

Because that wasn't enough torture for my already tortured quads, I attended the Rowing Seminar at my Box.  First off, it was a great seminar.  Steve did an amazing job and I really learned a lot.  Not only did we practice our techniques for about 2000 meters, we then proceeded to do the actual 2k workout.  Oh my god!  It took everything I had to finish under 9 minutes.  I was trying so hard to keep my split in the 2:10-2:15 range.  I succeeded and posted a time of 8:49.  Not too shabby for my first 2k rowing attempt.

Tomorrow:  REST!

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