Thursday, October 11, 2012

Well, I eclair!

As mentioned time and time again, my goal for this challenge is to think about what goes in my mouth.  For the most part, I'm doing great.  I often "break" for booze (only on the weekends), and sometimes for a little sweet something with my daughters... but, all in all, I'm eating like a champ!

In the four weeks I've been in the challenge, I have not given in to my "sweet tooth".  Today, I failed.

At a meeting today, a pile of eclairs, albeit, SMALL eclairs (about 3 inches by 1 inch), sat winking at me for over an hour.  I resisted those little bastards the entire time!  And then, right before I walked out of the room, I picked one up and ate it.  Damn it!

The real shitter here is that it wasn't even that good of a f*cking eclair!  The humanity!!!!

I then followed up my eclair with some hershey kisses - one taste of chocolate, and I wanted more.  Ugh.

Well, I blew a point today (let me break this down:  Had I eaten the whole eclair - the three inch piece was half of a whole eclair - I would have simply docked one point.  Seeing as I only ate half, I allowed myself 4 hershey kisses - this felt like a solid commitment to the one point deduction!), but that's okay... there is always tomorrow!

Well, I eclair!

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